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2023年02月22日 来源:加勒比之光 作者:加勒比之光
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拉斐尔·冈萨雷斯(Rafael Gonzalez)在古巴是一个影响力非常小的雪茄品牌。近期,该品牌增加了一款朗斯代尔的皇冠(Coronas de Lonsdales),扩展了产品线,成为该品牌的第四个尺寸。古巴哈伯纳斯公司在葡萄牙的经销商 EMPOR在葡萄牙为这款新品举办了发布会。具体上架日期未定,预计不久。

虽然名字叫朗斯代尔的皇冠,但是这款新品的尺寸既不是皇冠,也不是朗斯代尔。48环径粗,5英寸长,归类于罗布图型号。在古巴雪茄厂里这个尺寸被命名为“美丽4号”(Hermosos No.4)。每盒有10支雪茄。

拉斐尔·冈萨雷斯也叫拉斐尔·冈萨雷斯之花(Flor de Rafael Gonzalez),并不是新品牌,它诞生于20世纪30年代,但不为雪茄爱好者所知,几乎被其他雪茄品牌的光芒所掩盖。在葡萄牙,这款新品的零售价是每盒105欧元,折合112.2美元一盒,即每支11.2美元,比大部分古巴手工雪茄要便宜,虽然这款雪茄也是长茄芯手工卷制。



拉斐尔·冈萨雷斯偶尔会以地区限量版的形式出现。上一次杂志社对其评级还是2016年的 Perla(珍珠),40环径,4英寸,测评得分是89分。该品牌的其他两个尺寸是Panetelas Extra(特级宾丽),37环径,5英寸。Petit Corona(小皇冠),44环径,5.125英寸。

Rafael Gonzalez, a very small and rather innocuous Cuban cigar brand, has been expanded with the release of the new Rafael González Coronas de Lonsdales. The cigars first appeared in Portugal at a launch event via distributor EMPOR Importação e Exportação S.A. and are expected to go on sale at some point in the near future, but no date has been set. It’s the fourth size in the brand.

Despite the name, the new smoke is neither a corona nor a lonsdale. It measures 5 inches long by 48 ring gauge, which is classified as a robusto in Cigar Aficionado taste tests, and goes by the name Hermosos No. 4 in Cuban cigar factories. (It’s the same size as an El Rey del Mundo Choix Supreme.) The cigars come 10 to the box. 

Technically known as Flor de Rafael Gonzalez, the brand is far from new. It was created in the 1930s, but is overlooked by many cigar smokers, overshadowed by just about every other Cuban cigar brand. The suggested retail price for the Coronas de Lonsdales has been set in Portugal at 105 euros per box ($112.20) or 10.50 euros per cigar, which works out to around $11.20—considerably less expensive than typical handmade Cuban smokes. (The new cigars are totally handmade with long-filler tobacco.)

Rafael Gonzalez boxes always stood out in humidors for their unusual look, heavy on words, rather than graphics. The brand long came with an understated white box whose lid was covered in script, with an interesting note telling the reader that cigars should either be smoked within a month, or allowed to age for a year. The new size has a newer look. Instead of a dress box, the box is natural wood, the logo burned into the cedar. It remains understated, but has a look more like other traditional cigar boxes.

The bands on the line got a makeover last year.  

Rafael Gonzalez pops up as the occasional Regional Edition cigar. The last time we rated a standard size was the 2016 rating of the Perla (4 by 40), which scored 89 points. The Perla is a relatively new size for the line, introduced 10 years ago. The other two standard sizes in the brand are the Panetelas Extra (5 by 37) and the Petit Corona (5 1/8 by 44). 


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